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rustHow do I print the address of a variable in Rust?

You can print the address of a variable in Rust using the std::ptr::addr_of function. This function takes a reference to a variable as an argument and returns the address of the variable as a *const T pointer.

Example code

let x = 5;
let x_addr = std::ptr::addr_of(&x);
println!("x is at address {:p}", x_addr);

Output example

x is at address 0x7ffc9f9f9f90

Code explanation

  • let x = 5;: Declares a variable x with the value 5.
  • let x_addr = std::ptr::addr_of(&x);: Calls the std::ptr::addr_of function with a reference to x as an argument, and assigns the address of x to the x_addr variable.
  • println!("x is at address {:p}", x_addr);: Prints the address of x using the {:p} format specifier.

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