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rustHow to add to pointer in Rust

In Rust, you can add to a pointer by using the offset method. This method takes an integer argument and adds it to the pointer's address. For example, if you have a pointer ptr pointing to an integer, you can add 5 to it by using ptr.offset(5). The output of this operation will be a pointer pointing to the integer 5 positions away from the original pointer. You can also use the offset method to subtract from a pointer, by passing a negative integer as an argument. For example, ptr.offset(-5) will return a pointer pointing to the integer 5 positions before the original pointer.

let ptr = &mut 5;
let new_ptr = ptr.offset(5);

In the example above, ptr is a pointer pointing to the integer 5, and new_ptr is a pointer pointing to the integer 10 (5 positions away from the original pointer).

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