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rustHow to loop N times in Rust

Looping in Rust is done using the loop keyword. The following example shows how to loop N times:

let mut n = 0;
loop {
    println!("Looping {} times", n);
    n += 1;
    if n >= N {

This code will print Looping 0 times, Looping 1 times, ..., Looping N-1 times.

The code consists of the following parts:

  1. let mut n = 0;: This declares a mutable variable n and initializes it to 0.
  2. loop {: This starts the loop.
  3. println!("Looping {} times", n);: This prints the current loop count.
  4. n += 1;: This increments the loop count.
  5. if n >= N {: This checks if the loop count is greater than or equal to N.
  6. break;: This exits the loop if the condition is true.
  7. }: This closes the loop.

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