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rustNull pointer in Rust


A null pointer in Rust is a pointer that does not point to any valid object. It is represented by the type std::ptr::null(). This type is used to indicate that a pointer is not pointing to a valid object. For example, the following code creates a null pointer and prints its value:

let ptr: *const i32 = std::ptr::null();
println!("{:?}", ptr);

The output of this code is 0x0, which indicates that the pointer is not pointing to a valid object.

Null pointers can be used to indicate an error condition or to indicate that a pointer is not pointing to a valid object. For example, the following code checks if a pointer is null and prints an error message if it is:

let ptr: *const i32 = std::ptr::null();
if ptr.is_null() {
    println!("Error: pointer is null!");

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