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rustPointer arithmetic example in Rust

Pointer arithmetic in Rust is a way of manipulating memory addresses. It is used to access data stored in memory, and can be used to iterate over collections of data. An example of pointer arithmetic in Rust is shown below:

let mut x = 5;
let mut y = &mut x;

y = y.offset(1);

This code snippet creates two variables, x and y, and assigns x the value of 5. y is then assigned the address of x using the &mut operator. Finally, y is incremented by one using the offset method.

The output of this code would be 6, as y is now pointing to the memory address of x plus one.

The &mut operator is used to create a mutable reference to a variable, and the offset method is used to increment the memory address of a pointer. This allows us to manipulate memory addresses and access data stored in memory.

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