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rustRust struct as u8

A Rust struct can be converted to a u8 (unsigned 8-bit integer) using the From trait. This trait allows a type to be converted into another type.

Example code

struct MyStruct {
    value: u8

let my_struct = MyStruct { value: 5 };
let my_u8: u8 = my_struct.into();

assert_eq!(my_u8, 5);

Output example

assertion successful

The code above creates a struct called MyStruct with a single field value of type u8. The into() method is then used to convert the struct into a u8. The assert_eq! macro is then used to check that the value of the u8 is equal to the value of the struct.

Code explanation

  1. struct MyStruct { value: u8 } - This creates a struct called MyStruct with a single field value of type u8.
  2. let my_struct = MyStruct { value: 5 } - This creates an instance of MyStruct with the value of value set to 5.
  3. let my_u8: u8 = my_struct.into() - This uses the into() method to convert the struct into a u8.
  4. assert_eq!(my_u8, 5) - This uses the assert_eq! macro to check that the value of the u8 is equal to the value of the struct.

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